Silica Crystal Healing

In gratitude to the Earth’s crust

What is Crystal Healing?

Is crystal healing real – or “just rocks”?

If you’ve found your way to this site, you either already appreciate crystal healing or are unsure but curious.  It’s important to say that crystal healing should never replace seeking medical advice, but it can be an important complementary support for the mind and body. While modern science has found no evidence (yet) that crystals provide any sort of healing effect, crystal healing dates back over 5000 years, alongside herbal medicine, and is older than acupuncture or homeopathy. In our modern times, millions of people, with direct crystal healing experiences have reconnected to this ancient form of healing to benefit their health and well-being. Regardless, crystals deserve a great deal of awe and respect for the millions of years they have spent forming on the planet. The oldest known crystals obtained from the earth’s crust date back more than 4 billion years. Is it perhaps an odd thought to consider that they would be “just” rocks contributing to the formation of the planet?

How does crystal healing purport to work?

Crystals are recognised for their highly ordered and stable molecular structures (7 crystalline structures determine which “family” a crystal belongs to). In industry, Quartz is acknowledged as particularly stable, and vibrates with reliable precision of frequency when energy is directed through it. Similar reliability enables Tourmaline to generate an electrical charge under mechanical pressure. Crystal healing purports to work with each crystal’s own subtle energy vibration, determined by the properties of their molecular structure, alongside the client’s own natural energy fields and energy flow. This typically focuses on areas (called chakras) where energy circuits in the body converge.  The crystals resonate with the client’s own energy and aim to bring the flow of that energy into alignment.  In doing so, crystal healing helps to shift and remove blockages to support the body’s own natural ability to heal itself.

Crystal Healing Properties

In addition to the 7 crystalline structures (triclinic, monoclinic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, trigonal, hexagonal, and cubic), each crystal will have a MOHS scale rating to determine its mineral hardness. The hardest rating is 10 for diamond and the softest is kerite (more commonly known as talc) with a rating of 1. Quartz, for example, is rated 7 on the MOHS scale and Calcite is 3. Crystal healers have, over thousands of years, also attributed other properties to crystal energy such as “high/fast” and “gentle/slow” which loosely, but not always, correlate to crystals’ MOHS Scale rating. Some organic materials are also traditionally used in crystal healing which don’t actually have a crystalline structure. Examples would include shell, pearl, amber, opal, moldavite, some petrified woods, and obsidian which have amorphous molecular structures.

Petrified Wood and the Silica connection

Petrified wood is a beautiful addition to crystal healing, formed through a process of permineralization with silica filling gaps to replace the organic material of trees decaying in mineral-rich sediment. This process effectively turns trees to stone which can be aged between 50 to 500 million years old (although relatively young compared to most crystals). The silica can take the form of quartz, chalcedony, opal, and jasper.

About Jo Dot Parker and Silica Healing

Jo Dot has spent 35 years as a chartered HR professional, having worked within all sectors, including the NHS; and is a member of the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development. An interest in well-being at work, work/life balance and mental health led Jo Dot to training in mindfulness and, subsequently, to training in alternative healing via several modalities. This included several years exploring different approaches to crystal healing, developing her own methodology, before qualifying as a certified crystal healing practitioner with Philip Permutt, one of the UK’s leading authorities in crystal healing.

At the end of 2016 Jo Dot experienced a traumatic event leaving her with physical injuries and post-traumatic stress disorder; which served to deepen her commitment to crystal healing, and finding a healing connection with nature. Crystals and woodlands played a significant role in supporting Jo Dot’s recovery, and shifted her interest in alternative healing into a consolidated motivation to help others. In 2021 Jo-Dot became a certified forest bathing guide and therapeutic practitioner in forest bathing (shinrin-yoku) after several years of practice, and qualifying with the Irish arm of the former European Forest Bathing Institute, Nadur, endorsed by the charity, Mind.   She is also a qualified Workplace Mental Health Advocate and First Aider.  Jo Dot’s first book, The Painting, published in 2022 by Austin Macauley Publishers Ltd, is about recovery from personal crisis and painting our lives with our beliefs.  

What to expect in a crystal healing

After some necessary “house-keeping” to gain permission for the crystal healing, collect minimal information and understanding on the client’s health status, the session will commence and last for 50 minutes.  

You will be made to feel comfortable on an adjustable, cleansed therapy couch and encouraged to relax and drift off during the session to some gentle background sounds (or silence if you prefer).   Cushions are offered and available to support necks and knees if needed.

The crystal healing involves placement of some crystals near the chakra areas of the body, either directly placed on the chakra or to the side of the client alongside the chakra area. Side placement of crystals is often a good option due to belts, buttons, and clothing material not always being conducive to crystals remaining in place!  But, if a crystal does slip off your body during the session, please don’t worry as the intention of its energy and focus will not be affected.

Assessment of the chakras energy flows with a pendulum, and “clearing” of the aura, may take place during the session several times with minimal noise and movement distraction. Many clients are oblivious to this happening around them while their eyes are closed.

After the session, some feedback may be provided to the client (such as energy areas that felt congested or should feel lighter) and the client will be asked if they have any feedback.   A glass of water will be offered, and Jo Dot will ensure that clients are feeling their feet are back on the ground before they leave.

Silica Crystal Healing Gallery


Silica Connection – Crystals and Forest (watch this space!)

Don’t forget to Sparkle!

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